Life & Whatnot, My Family, Random Observations

Death Calls Me Home

The Wolfe once declared that you can't go home again, but I've found that to be painfully untrue. Here, in the early dusk of Life, Loved Ones continue to fade away ... like leaves and first loves and morning glories under the setting sun. Each sad and grateful passing beckons my beleaguered bones back to the bittersweet haunts of my very first Grand Adventures.… Continue reading Death Calls Me Home

Random Observations, Shared Musings, The Texian Part

***Fierce Female Reblog*** 4/20 Retrospective

Toke up and rejoice weed smokers, it’s 420 Day again, In honor of the only worldwide holiday celebrating marijuana, who better to celebrate it with than those 1970s’s comic book band of original Doobie brothers “The Fabulous Freak Brothers.” This threesome of cold stone dopers who appeared in their own counter-culture comic books in the […]… Continue reading ***Fierce Female Reblog*** 4/20 Retrospective

Random Observations, The Mom Part

10 Reasons I Love My Sex

As you know, it's International Women's Month and I've been ponderin' on the subject of my fellow females quite a bit lately. It's occurred to me that women can be seriously awesome. Here are just a few reasons why. Feel free to add your own reasons. Women have wombs. They can grow other humans in their own bodies. And… Continue reading 10 Reasons I Love My Sex

Life & Whatnot, My Family, Random Observations, The Mom Part

Parenthood: Prognosis Shitstorm

When I was a little girl, my family and I were caught in the midst of Hurricane Alicia which killed 21 people and caused over 2 billion dollars in damage. It was terrifying to be sure; but I was a naive kid, so it was also very exciting. The grownups were absolutely horrified, but my cousins… Continue reading Parenthood: Prognosis Shitstorm

Life & Whatnot, Random Observations, Sunday Reflections

What Are You Waiting For?

Not long ago, I ran across a really nice set of calligraphy markers and thought Holy cow, I still have these? Cool! I'll use them now. I was so excited that I'd found these amazing markers and was totally stoked to use them. Recent events have reminded me that life is short, so I was grinning from… Continue reading What Are You Waiting For?

Life & Whatnot, My Family, Random Observations, The Mom Part


Death is ugly no matter how it's delivered. And the entire notion of  "death with dignity" completely baffles me. I can find nothing dignified about it. It's awful. It's tragic. And it hurts like hell. Death is totally FUBAR regardless of its setting, reasons, or duration. Even martyrdom and the noblest of sacrifices are hideous and… Continue reading iDeath

Life & Whatnot, My Family, Random Observations, Sunday Reflections, The Mom Part

Life Goes Strong

Less than twenty-four hours ago, my father-in-law died. Two of my sister's grandchildren burned to death in a house fire this morning. Of course, our families are devastated and the weight of so much sadness had me sitting at my desk with my head in my hands wondering just how much emotional pain and turmoil people… Continue reading Life Goes Strong